Thursday, July 2, 2009

Yoga it's a Journey

Good Morning everyone,

I have had many customers come in and ask what Yoga is all about. And why should one practice yoga? So I decided I would express a few points here in our blog. I hope this information is helpful and inspiring for each of you in your own personal yoga journey.

The word Yoga is classically translated to mean~"Union". And so in joining heart, mind & body we will find our true selves unified and whole, or Holy. As we practice aligning all parts of our self, we we feel a wholeness and optimal health as all parts work in harmony with each other.

I personally feel as we practice this with our own body, mind and spirit. We will learn compassion and eventually practice these same principles with others, therefore leading to a more harmonious connection with all living beings. And ultimately leading to a harmony on our planet, so you can see how powerful this practice can be for all.

The physical form of yoga we know of today is called Hatha Yoga. And many of these physical poses are much newer to the over 1,000 year practice of yoga. And as we humans evolve and grow our form of yoga will also evolve and grow to that which serves us in the most beneficial & fulfilling way.

There are many documented medical benefits of a regular practice of yoga. Here are a few, increased strength and stamina, increased muscular flexibility and tone, relief of stress and anxiety, and a lowering of blood pressure. Most students find they feel much better after experiencing a calming yoga class. The mind becomes quieter and more focused, the breath increases and the body relaxes.

So weather one is ready to heal an injury, increase their physical strength or flexibility, or just in need of a little inner calm and quiet, they will find the consistent practice of yoga to be very beneficial to the health and well being of their lives.

Try not to measure your level of success in yoga by how well you can hold a pose or how long, or even by which poses you can do. Rather measure your success by how much your enjoying the journey of yoga. How present are you with your breath, with your body's true needs? How calm and focused is your mind, do you feel an inner peace and joy? And are you honoring your body, mind and spirit?

Remember that as with all in life, the joy is in the journey, not the destination. So enjoy your yoga journey one breath at a time!

Peace & Namaste Yoga Momma :)